Global Leadership Champions

Matt Fok, Chief Collaborative Network Champion

Disruptor, Adjunct Professor, Founder & CEO of eZ-Xpo

Author & Instructor of  Top Udemy Course – “JumpStart Your Biz with Virtual Expo & Summit”

Today’s biggest challenge is that every organization from startup to Fortune 5000 is running in “SILOS” environment. It means missed opportunities for quality leads, knowledge, and talent pool. With eZ-Xpo – Virtual Collaborative Network, we disrupt all “SILOS” with daily collaboration with Virtual Expo (promotion), Virtual Trainng Summit (onboard/training), and Virtual Job Fair (recruiting). Together, we can collaborate and solve global climate change crisis, wealth income inequality, cybersecurity, and non-profit fundraising challenges.

Global Industry & Local Network Champions


Gerard Dache - Government Blockchain Network Champion

Executive Director of Government Blockchain Association

With eZ-Xpo – Virtual Collaborative Network,” there is no limit and no boundary for innovation. eZ-Xpo will enable us to use cutting edge technology to communicate in a way that is a total game-changer for us. This will allow us to collaborate on a global scale, unlike anything we have been able to do up till now.

Ken Wong

Ken Wong, sFoundation Startup Accelerator Network Champion

Managing Director, sFoundation Startup Accelerator

With eZ-Xpo – Virtual Pitch Network and sFoundation AngelScore, there is no limit and no boundary for startups growth. We are excited to partner with eZ-Xpo to leverage the new game changer to host virtual pitch/demo day to connect all startups, investors, mentors, and corporate sponsors for unlimited joint venture opportunities and engagement worldwide

Chris Pic

Chris Wirth, Green Tech Nations Network Champion

CEO, Founder of Green Tech Nations Network (GTNN)

With Green Tech Nations Network, we can join forces with all cleantech leaders and experts to fight climate change. We can overcome to develop global cleantech innovations to every climate change crisis. With eZ-Xpo - Virtual Collaborative Network, we can join forces with cleantech hubs to host demo day/hackathons to connect all distributors and customers worldwide.

Graham Mann

Graham Mann - Cybersecurity (ISVA) Network Champion

Executive Director of Government Blockchain Association

With eZ-Xpo – Virtual Collaborative Network,” there is no limit and no boundary for innovation. eZ-Xpo will enable us to use cutting edge technology to communicate in a way that is a total game-changer for us. This will allow us to collaborate on a global scale, unlike anything we have been able to do up till now.

Ken Wong

Ken Wong, sFoundation Startup Accelerator Network Champion

Managing Director, sFoundation Startup Accelerator

With eZ-Xpo – Virtual Pitch Network and sFoundation AngelScore, there is no limit and no boundary for startups growth. We are excited to partner with eZ-Xpo to leverage the new game changer to host virtual pitch/demo day to connect all startups, investors, mentors, and corporate sponsors for unlimited joint venture opportunities and engagement worldwide

Chris Pic

Chris Wirth, Green Tech Nations Network Champion

CEO, Founder of Green Tech Nations Network (GTNN)

With Green Tech Nations Network, we can join forces with all cleantech leaders and experts to fight climate change. We can overcome to develop global cleantech innovations to every climate change crisis. With eZ-Xpo - Virtual Collaborative Network, we can join forces with cleantech hubs to host demo day/hackathons to connect all distributors and customers worldwide.
